Golden Retriever Club Of Northumbria
(We are asking you to complete this form to enable us to find a suitable dog for you)
Name ...........................................
Address .......................................................................................
Telephone No ..................................
What is your age group? 21 – 35 36 – 50 51 – 60 61 – 70 Over 70
Why would you like a Golden Retriever? ........................................................
Do you work? Yes / No If Yes, how long will the dog be left on it’s own? ......................
What type of property do you live in? ............................
Do you have a Garden or Yard? ....................................
Is your home in a built up area with busy roads nearby? Yes / No
Do you have children? Yes/No If Yes, what ages are they? ..................
Do you have children that visit? Yes/No If yes, what ages are they? ..................
Do you have other pets? Yes/No If Yes, please give details ..................
Have you owned a dog before? Yes/No If yes, what breed and for how long? .........
If you live in the country, will there be sheep, cattle etc nearby? Yes/No
Will your dog travel in a car or on public transport? Yes/No
Golden Retriever Club Of Northumbria
(We are asking you to complete this form to enable us to find a suitable dog for you)
Name ...........................................
Address .......................................................................................
Telephone No ..................................
What is your age group? 21 – 35 36 – 50 51 – 60 61 – 70 Over 70
Why would you like a Golden Retriever? ........................................................
Do you work? Yes / No If Yes, how long will the dog be left on it’s own? ......................
What type of property do you live in? ............................
Do you have a Garden or Yard? ....................................
Is your home in a built up area with busy roads nearby? Yes / No
Do you have children? Yes/No If Yes, what ages are they? ..................
Do you have children that visit? Yes/No If yes, what ages are they? ..................
Do you have other pets? Yes/No If Yes, please give details ..................
Have you owned a dog before? Yes/No If yes, what breed and for how long? .........
If you live in the country, will there be sheep, cattle etc nearby? Yes/No
Will your dog travel in a car or on public transport? Yes/No

rescue-questionnaire.pdf |