Before entering your dog in a novice trial, please consider the following statements:
If you, as the owner/handler, and/or your dog do not meet the criteria required, please refrain from entering any field trials until this has been achieved.
• I have helped at a field trial
• I have read the current copy of the ‘J’ Regulations and any amendments.
• I have had my dog out on shooting days
• My dog has picked wounded game
• My dog is steady to shot off the lead
• My dog is steady, off the lead, when another dog is sent for a retrieve
• As far as I am aware, my dog has no recurring eliminating faults.
Before entering your dog in a novice trial, please consider the following statements:
If you, as the owner/handler, and/or your dog do not meet the criteria required, please refrain from entering any field trials until this has been achieved.
• I have helped at a field trial
• I have read the current copy of the ‘J’ Regulations and any amendments.
• I have had my dog out on shooting days
• My dog has picked wounded game
• My dog is steady to shot off the lead
• My dog is steady, off the lead, when another dog is sent for a retrieve
• As far as I am aware, my dog has no recurring eliminating faults.
Dates for Field trials below plus click the link for nomination/entry forms
Kindly Sponsored by skinners dog food
Please read and note the General Rules and Regulations attached. All GRCN Trials are held under (Kennel Club Rules and Field Trial Regulations ‘J’). Should circumstances so dictate the Club, in conjunction with the Judges, may alter the arrangements as necessary. No modification will be made to the Schedule except by permission of the Kennel Club, followed by advertisement in appropriate journals if time permits before the closing of entries.
The following grounds conform to the Code of Good Shooting Practice.
Trophies and Prizeswill be listed on the card for each stake. Would all last year’s winners of perpetual trophies please make arrangements to make sure they are returned in plenty of time prior to each event.
1. 12 Dog A/V OPEN ON THE 6TH NOVEMBER 2021. By Kind permission of the Kennel Club to be held at Emblehope and Burngrange,
Judges G.Gent A (2824) D Haycock A (2624) J Hay B (1871) P Cullis B (2704)
Nomination fee for all trials £3.00 per dog. Please enclose stamped addressed envelope. Entry fees £45.00 members (£55.00 non-members) open stake.
If you would prefer to receive notification via. e-mail please write your details on the nomination forms.
Nominations must be received by the 9th October 2021.
Please send your entries to Mr Glyn Coupar (field Trail Sec) 48 Guildford Road, Normandy . Middlesbrough, Cleveland TS6 0QA.
COVID STATEMENT. If a competitor, or anyone in their household has a Covid-19 related Symptoms or has been tested positive doe Covis-19 they must not attend the event and should self isolate in line with government advise www.nhs,uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/self-isolation-andtreatment/when-to-self-isolate-and-what-to-do/
Videography and photography will only be permitted with the express permission of the Chief Steward and the Host.
Dogs in Cars on hot days. Your dog is vulnerable and at risk if left in a vehicle in high temperatures, even on days considered as slightly warm. If your dog is found to be at risk forcible entry to your vehicle maybe necessary without liability for any damage caused.
Time and place of meet for all the trials will be notified on the draw and Rules & Regulations, H&S info posted on web site Result of draw will also be posted on our facebook page.
1. Dogs entered at Kennel Club Licensed Field Trials must be registered at the Kennel Club in accordance with Kennel Club Regulations for Classification and Registration B.
2 If entries or nominations exceed the number of permitted runners, the right to compete in a trial shall be decided by ballot.
3. The system of judging will be entirely at the discretion of the judges. Should circumstances so dictate the Society, in consultation with the judges, may alter arrangements as necessary. Such changes and the circumstances surrounding them will be reported to the Kennel Club.
4 The Golden Retriever Club of Northumbria reserves the right to accept or refuse entries.
5 All dogs resident outside the UK must be issued with a Kennel Club Authority to Compete number before entry to the show/event can be made. All overseas entries without an Authority to Compete number will be returned to the exhibitor/competitor
6 All dogs must be on a lead except when under judges orders.
7. No modification may be made to the schedule after publication except by permission of the Kennel Club, followed by advertisement in appropriate journals if time permits before the closing of entries.
8. Members may apply for one or more nominations but no second nomination will be alloted until all applicants have had the offer of a run.
9. No one is allowed to handle more than one dog.
10. If members apply for more than one nomination, the order on the entry form will be treated as their order of choice for priority under para 2.
11. Anyone unable to utilise a nomination must notify the Secretary at ONCE. Returned nominations will be alloted in the order of the draw. Substitution of dogs is acceptable.
12. After an applicant has been successful in the draw for a place in a Stake, or as a reserve has accepted an offer of a run, if the run is not taken up the applicant may become liable for the full entry fee if his or her place is not taken up by another competitor except. Please refer to the main body of the J Regulations J7f
13. If entry forms are not returned, you will not be given the opportunity of a run, this will pass to the next on the list who has returned their form.
14. Cheques of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after the trial.
15. Every member making an entry or entries for this Stake shall be deemed to have agreed to abide by the K.C. Rules and Regulations governing Field Trials and it is on this understanding only that entries are accepted.
16. The Golden Retriever Club of Northumbria cannot accept liability for any claim arising from or relating to the running of this trial.
17. In the event of the weather being considered by the Committee to be unsuitable for holding trials, it shall be in their power to postpone or abandon the meeting. In the latter case, half the entry fees, less expenses incurred by the Club, paid in respect of the dogs present at the meeting shall be refunded.
18. All persons attending the trial must consider themselves absolutely under the control of the Officials.
19. All cups are offered for competition subject to conditions detailed in the Club Rules.
20. The Executive Committee advise newcomers to Field Trial not to enter dogs which have not had experience in the shooting field.
22. Judges at a Trial are prohibited from entering a dog which is recorded in their ownership or part ownership
23 The Judges shall be ex-officio Members of the Committee for the meeting and upon any case arising not provided for in the Rules and Regulations. The Members of the Committee present shall decide and their decision shall be final.
24. Any objection to a dog may be lodged in writing with the Secretary at any time within 7 days of the meeting, accompanied by a deposit of £35.00 which will be forfeited if the Committee deem such objection frivolous.
25. The Kennel Club’s Codes of Conduct specify the sort of behaviour expected of those who take part in competitive gundog work. Participants should be aware of their contents and, in particular, should never publicly impugn decisions of the Judge or Judges. Neither should they criticise the host, ground or guns.
26. An exhibitor (or competitor) whose dog is entered at a Kennel Club licensed event should take all reasonable steps to ensure the needs of their dog(s) are met, and should not knowingly put their dogs’ health and welfare at risk by an action, default, omission or otherwise. A break of this Regulation may be referred to the General Committee for disciplinary action under Kennel Club Rules and Regulations.
NOMINATION FORM - 12 Dog Open A/V Retriever stake, 6th November 2021
I wish to apply for ……………… nominations for the A.V. 12 dog Open I enclose …………fees and SAE.
The dog I intend to run has a F.T. award of …….. in ……………. Stake
Member’s name …………………………………………. Address …………………………………………
or e-mail
Signature ………………………………………………… …………………………………………………..
Must be returned by 9th October 2021.
Please click the links to download the above schedule with attached entry/nomination forms

2021_field_trial_schedule.doc |