1. Dogs entered at Kennel Club Licensed Field Trials must be registered at the Kennel Club in accordance with Kennel Club
Regulations for Classification and Registration B.
2 If entries or nominations exceed the number of permitted runners, the right to compete in a trial shall be decided by
3. The system of judging will be entirely at the discretion of the judges. Should circumstances so dictate the Society, in
consultation with the judges, may alter arrangements as necessary. Such changes and the circumstances surrounding
them will be reported to the Kennel Club.
4 The Golden Retriever Club of Northumbria reserves the right to accept or refuse entries.
5 All dogs resident outside the UK must be issued with a Kennel Club Authority to Compete number before entry to the
show/event can be made. All overseas entries without an Authority to Compete number will be returned to the
6 All dogs must be on a lead except when under judges orders.
7 No modification may be made to the schedule after publication except by permission of the Kennel Club, followed by
advertisement in appropriate journals if time permits before the closing of entries.
8. Members may apply for one or more nominations but no second nomination will be alloted until all applicants have had
the offer of a run. Club Membership priority in the draw for the 2 day qualifier will be given to established members over
new members (i.e.those joining in the current year), then non-members.
9. No one is allowed to handle more than one dog (please refer to 8 above).
10. If members apply for more than one nomination, the order on the entry form will be treated as their order of choice for
priority under para 2.
11. Anyone unable to utilise a nomination must notify the Secretary at ONCE. Returned nominations will be alloted in the
order of the draw. Substitution of dogs is acceptable.
12. After an applicant has been successful in the draw for a place in a Stake, or as a reserve has accepted an offer of a
run, if the run is not taken up the applicant may become liable for the full entry fee if his or her place is not taken up by
another competitor except.
13. If entry forms are not returned, you will not be given the opportunity of a run, this will pass to the next on the list who
has returned their form.
14. Cheques of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after the trial.
15. Every member making an entry or entries for this Stake shall be deemed to have agreed to abide by the K.C. Rules and
Regulations governing Field Trials and it is on this understanding only that entries are accepted.
16. The Golden Retriever Club of Northumbria cannot accept liability for any claim arising from or relating to the running of
this trial.
17. In the event of the weather being considered by the Committee to be unsuitable for holding trials, it shall be in their
power to postpone or abandon the meeting. In the latter case, half the entry fees, less expenses incurred by the Club,
paid in respect of the dogs present at the meeting shall be refunded.
18. All persons attending the trial must consider themselves absolutely under the control of the Officials.
19. All cups are offered for competition subject to conditions detailed in the Club Rules.
20. The Executive Committee advise newcomers to Field Trial not to enter dogs which have not had experience in the
shooting field.
22. Judges at a Trial are prohibited from entering a dog which is recorded in their ownership or part ownership
23 The Judges shall be ex-officio Members of the Committee for the meeting and upon any case arising not provided for in
the Rules and Regulations. The Members of the Committee present shall decide and their decision shall be final.
24. Any objection to a dog may be lodged in writing with the Secretary at any time within 7 days of the meeting,
accompanied by a deposit of 35.00 which will be forfeited if the Committee deem such objection frivolous.
25. The Kennel Club s Codes of Conduct specify the sort of behaviour expected of those who take part in competitive gundog
work. Participants should be aware of their contents and, in particular, should never publicly impugn decisions of the
Judge or Judges. Neither should they criticise the host, ground or guns.
26. An exhibitor (or competitor) whose dog is entered at a Kennel Club licensed event should take all reasonable steps to
ensure the needs of their dog(s) are met, and should not knowingly put their dogs health and welfare at risk by an
action, default, omission or otherwise. A break of this Regulation may be referred to the General Committee for
disciplinary action under Kennel Club Rules and Regulations.
1. Dogs entered at Kennel Club Licensed Field Trials must be registered at the Kennel Club in accordance with Kennel Club
Regulations for Classification and Registration B.
2 If entries or nominations exceed the number of permitted runners, the right to compete in a trial shall be decided by
3. The system of judging will be entirely at the discretion of the judges. Should circumstances so dictate the Society, in
consultation with the judges, may alter arrangements as necessary. Such changes and the circumstances surrounding
them will be reported to the Kennel Club.
4 The Golden Retriever Club of Northumbria reserves the right to accept or refuse entries.
5 All dogs resident outside the UK must be issued with a Kennel Club Authority to Compete number before entry to the
show/event can be made. All overseas entries without an Authority to Compete number will be returned to the
6 All dogs must be on a lead except when under judges orders.
7 No modification may be made to the schedule after publication except by permission of the Kennel Club, followed by
advertisement in appropriate journals if time permits before the closing of entries.
8. Members may apply for one or more nominations but no second nomination will be alloted until all applicants have had
the offer of a run. Club Membership priority in the draw for the 2 day qualifier will be given to established members over
new members (i.e.those joining in the current year), then non-members.
9. No one is allowed to handle more than one dog (please refer to 8 above).
10. If members apply for more than one nomination, the order on the entry form will be treated as their order of choice for
priority under para 2.
11. Anyone unable to utilise a nomination must notify the Secretary at ONCE. Returned nominations will be alloted in the
order of the draw. Substitution of dogs is acceptable.
12. After an applicant has been successful in the draw for a place in a Stake, or as a reserve has accepted an offer of a
run, if the run is not taken up the applicant may become liable for the full entry fee if his or her place is not taken up by
another competitor except.
13. If entry forms are not returned, you will not be given the opportunity of a run, this will pass to the next on the list who
has returned their form.
14. Cheques of unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed after the trial.
15. Every member making an entry or entries for this Stake shall be deemed to have agreed to abide by the K.C. Rules and
Regulations governing Field Trials and it is on this understanding only that entries are accepted.
16. The Golden Retriever Club of Northumbria cannot accept liability for any claim arising from or relating to the running of
this trial.
17. In the event of the weather being considered by the Committee to be unsuitable for holding trials, it shall be in their
power to postpone or abandon the meeting. In the latter case, half the entry fees, less expenses incurred by the Club,
paid in respect of the dogs present at the meeting shall be refunded.
18. All persons attending the trial must consider themselves absolutely under the control of the Officials.
19. All cups are offered for competition subject to conditions detailed in the Club Rules.
20. The Executive Committee advise newcomers to Field Trial not to enter dogs which have not had experience in the
shooting field.
22. Judges at a Trial are prohibited from entering a dog which is recorded in their ownership or part ownership
23 The Judges shall be ex-officio Members of the Committee for the meeting and upon any case arising not provided for in
the Rules and Regulations. The Members of the Committee present shall decide and their decision shall be final.
24. Any objection to a dog may be lodged in writing with the Secretary at any time within 7 days of the meeting,
accompanied by a deposit of 35.00 which will be forfeited if the Committee deem such objection frivolous.
25. The Kennel Club s Codes of Conduct specify the sort of behaviour expected of those who take part in competitive gundog
work. Participants should be aware of their contents and, in particular, should never publicly impugn decisions of the
Judge or Judges. Neither should they criticise the host, ground or guns.
26. An exhibitor (or competitor) whose dog is entered at a Kennel Club licensed event should take all reasonable steps to
ensure the needs of their dog(s) are met, and should not knowingly put their dogs health and welfare at risk by an
action, default, omission or otherwise. A break of this Regulation may be referred to the General Committee for
disciplinary action under Kennel Club Rules and Regulations.
Risk Assessment
- Personal injury resulting from the intended or accidental discharge of a shotgun, driven or falling shot, falling game, noise or blast.
- Slips and falls on ground that may be wet, uneven, sloping or marshy.
- Hazards associated with the crossing of water courses, hedges, fences, other natural and man-made obstacles. Whether shooting, beating, picking up, competing or members of the public present.
- Injury resulting from direct contact with barbed wire, thorn hedges, low branches or other naturally occurring or constructed features of the landscape and from livestock that may be alarmed or disturbed.
- Hazards associated with the use of vehicles on private land or public highways.
- Hazards associated with being in the vicinity of machinery on private land or public highway. This is to include crop spraying activities and chemicals that may be associated with this operation.
- All game to be handed over to the estate at the completion of shooting of each day for correct handling/storage.
- Persons using shotguns (referred to Guns) and their companions.
- Persons employed or volunteering to drive/hold game for the Guns.
- Those placed in charge of the line (Steward of the Beat).
- Hosts, persons employed or volunteers or competitors that collect and retrieve shot game with dogs.
- Those Officials, Judges and Volunteers that are present to run the Field Trial.
- Drivers of vehicles.
- On-lookers and members of the public and press.
- The Organiser will brief all present before moving off, a copy of this Risk Assesment will be displayed within the designated Registration Area.
- All Guns must be competent at handling shotguns in a safe manner and must be in possession of a vaild shotgun certificate and have Public Liability Insurance. The ‘Shoot Captain’ will be responsible for ensuring that all Guns comply with the above requirements.
- Vehicles provided to transport Guns, Competitors and Officials must be suitable for the purpose and terrain that is to be encountered. Adequate seating must be provided, no dogs will be allowed in the driving compartment of the vehicles. The driver of each vehicle must be acquainted with the route and terrain over which they are to travel and be aware of the other vehicles in the party.
- Shotguns and ammunition must not be left unattended under any circumstances.
- All persons involved should wear suitable non-restrictive clothing, adequate to provide protection from the elements and stout water resistant footwear. It is the responsibility of all persons attending that they equip themselves adequately and appropriately with ear protectors.
- Guns must keep their weapons in a covered slip until arrival at their allocated position in the field trial line. Shots must not be fired prior to or after the signal is given to start/stop shooting. The Judges or Chief Steward may request the stopping of shooting should there be sufficient game on the ground or the shooting of game whilst dogs are working.
- In the event of an emergency the drive/trial will be stopped immediately and all weapons must be unloaded and placed back in the covered slip. Should this occurrence be caused by the involvement of persons that are opposed to the activity the Steward of the Beat in consultation with the Chief Steward and Judges must arrange to vacate the ground without the need for confrontation.
- A shot should only be taken when it is safe to do so. Guns must be aware at all times of the proximity of those closest to them, other Guns, Beaters, Stops, Pickers Up, Officials, Judges, Competitors, Press and Members of the Public and also aware of the location of public footpaths, bridleways, highways and livestock in the vicinity.
- All members of the party must respect the property on which they are invited guests, be aware of the local terrain and likely hazards and conduct themselves in a friendly and environmental way.
- Members of the public and competitors that are not required in line must stay with the Gallery within the RED FLAGS at all times and obey the instructions of the Officials or Members of the Estate Staff.
- Everybody involved musy keep away from agricultural machinery, although it will not normally be working in the areas where the shoot is taking place.